Atavi Discussion forum

Fruit market

5 fruits: Gooseberry, Apple, Orange, Banana, Pineapple


The price of fruits matches the real market prices.
Gooseberry: 1.93 GBP
Apple: 1.7 GBP
Orange: 0.7 GBP
Banana: 0.35 GBP
Pineapple: 0.6 GBP
10 fruits from Atavi = 1 fruit ticket, randomly chosen from 5 fruits.
Atavi to Fruit market: 5 minutes
Fruit stall: area required: 25 m.sq.
Area = 1 Km.sq.
Total fruit stalls: 40000
Cost of each fruit stall: 10 GBP
Players do not necessarily need to own a stall to sell fruits. Stalls receive 20% of the sale value.
Current ticket capacity: 0
HA: gooseberry, apple, orange, banana, pineapple, ticket, stall
Balance: Trin100, transfer to main account if balance is more than 0.01 GBP
convert ticket to fruits: randomly choose from 5 fruits. 1 ticket is issued for 2 GBP inward transfer/native rise of fruitmarket.